I have been planning to go to 7 no. “ghat” for sometimes. It’s a place where launches, steamers and other boats dock. People also come here to pass a good afternoon by the river. I wanted to see what kind of photo opportunities I may get here. After a few failed plans to visit the place (mostly because of unfavorable weather and work pressure), today we got there and took some photos.
I was accompanied by a junior of mine – Setu. He is also very interested in and passionate about photography. And visiting this place was actually his idea. You can checkout his photos on his Flickr account.
KDA New Market - The meeting place
We decided to meet at KDA New Market, a place I have frequented many times. Most of the flower photos taken by me comes from the nursery here. Today was no different. While I was waiting for Setu, I took some flower photos.

Used the EF-S 55-250mm IS STM lens with my Canon M50 to take this photo of a rose in the nursery. There were few other roses too. But none were as beautiful. I did take a few photos of others but sadly they didn’t make into the final selection of photos for today.

This photo was also taken with the same lens. I don’t know what this flower is called but it looked pretty. I didn’t want to miss a zoomed in shot.

I liked this photo because of the contrasting colors. The green and the contrasting red / pink – looked pretty nice to me.

I confess this was not a very good photo. But I couldn’t just let go of the nice background and the tiny little beauty in front of it.

This is an interesting piece. They are snail shells. Plants are being grown within them. I guess it’s supposed to be some sort of house decor or something?
The River Side
We met up and took a ride to the river side. We took some shots of cargo boats and docked large ships / launches.

Really loved the zoom range on the EF-S 55-250mm which actually behaved like 90-400mm on my Canon M50.

There were different colorful boats passing us by. Different looks, different sizes and different types but they all had their own stories to tell, stories we would never know.

While the boats remained busy on the water, people were enjoying a calm and quiet afternoon in the river bank. The soft breeze was so soothing. Some people were chilling on top of ships. Some were taking selfies, some were having fun with friends.

“I am on top of the world” – at least that’s how it should feel up there, no?
Evenings like these are always fun with friends.

On top of a boat, these three people were having a really good time among themselves. I wasted no time to capture them in my frame.

The following photo is one of my most favorites from today. The beautiful bright cloud and the blue sky paired with the blue tone on top of the boat and on the water made this a pleasing scene to me.

We took some portraits too!
And of course, we took some photos of ourselves too.

The photo above was taken with my Canon EF 50mm f/1.8, the Nifty Fifty lens on an adapter. So it was actually a 80mm full frame equivalent photo. This could be a good setup for portrait photos because of the nice background separation and decent blur.
The following photo was taken using the EF-S 55-250mm at 55mm focal length, that is 90mm full frame equivalent.

Stopping By The Lamp Shop
The other day we noticed a lamp shop close to where I live. There were different nice lamps lighting the shop and the space in front of it. So we decided to stop by on our way back home and try some photos.

These photos were all taken by the nifty fifty with a crop factor of 1.6, making it a 80mm full frame equivalent lens.
But for this kind of photos, I would preferred something with a shorter focal length. May be some day, I would take my 7artisans 35mm f/0.95 to take some more photos of these beauties.
My Photos
Thanks to Setu, I got some photos taken too. Here they are.